Course Description

It's critical for aspiring leaders to learn how to negotiate conflict. Whether we like it or not, we can count on it: any time people are involved, and given enough time, there will be conflict. Our popular workshop is available in an e-learning format.

practical project management conflict trainingproject management training I learned new techniques for dealing with conflict. Great investment of time!

Becky, Boeing

One stakeholder says Zig. The other says Zag. No compromise in sight, but the project deadline looms closer on the horizon. The rock and the hard place--welcome to the world of managing people and projects! If it wasn't for people, our jobs would be much easier, or so it seems at times!

We have worked with tens of thousands of people from hundreds of companies, helping them deliver their projects, become more confident leaders, take focused action, and to achieve the results they desire while maintaining a balanced life. We have found you don't have to like conflict but your ability to successfully & consistently deliver results can depend on how confidently you navigate conflict.

A CEO of a consulting firm was concerned that his leadership team and consultants were too often just giving in when confronted by clients. The result was project scope creep and reduced margins. After having their employees take a conflict mode assessment and seeing the consolidated results, they learned practical strategies to more confidently and effectively deal with conflict situations without sacrificing client relationships.

project management e-learningprepare for conflict on projects I found the methodologies and systemic approach really interesting for dealing conflict. The two dimensional model of conflict-handling behavior was new to me. I was able to relate myself with the five conflict-handling modes. I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop!


Who is this Course Designed For?

Project managers, project leads, business analysts, team leaders, project team members, and stakeholders. We've had salespeople, administrative assistants, engineers, and more take this workshop and learn how to better manage conflict.

Bottom-line: If you work with people, this course is for you.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this e-learning program, you will be able to:

  • Describe more accurately what conflict is
  • Name the five conflict handling modes
  • Describe situations where each conflict handling mode applies
  • Identify skills that are important to develop to effectively use each conflict handling mode
  • Plan how to negotiate a conflict situation using the "DISARM" process
  • Identify the difference between positional and personal power, and how they relate to managing conflict
  • Describe pitfalls that can occur during conflict situations, and strategies to deal with them
  • Explain what collateral conflict is and how to deal with it
  • Qualify for 3 additional contact hours for project managers pursuing their Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification or continuing education.
  • Qualify for 1.5 CEU's

I’ve been attending seminars with our company for 22 years now and Andy Kaufman is, by far, better than all the speakers combined over that time span. You hit a homerun with this guy!

Workshop participant

"PMI and PMP" are trademarks, service marks or certification marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc., which is registered in the United States and other nations.

Andy Kaufman

Andy has worked with leaders on every continent, except for Antarctica (still working on that one!). He has taught this course for administrative professionals around the world and can't wait to share the learning with you!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Before You Begin

    • Welcome!

  • 2

    Learning Content

    • Beyond the Rock and the Hard Place: How to Deal with Conflict More Effectively